Common Issues

Some common issues we’ve seen when building the documentation using Sphinx

If you encounter a problem and have figured out the solution, feel free to add to this list and share your knowledge.

  1. quickstart.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree

    This means you have a file called quickstart.rst but you did not reference it from within the toctree directive of index.rst.

  2. index.rst:9: WARNING: toctree contains reference to document 'fruits' that doesn't have a title: no link will be generated

    You need to have at least one “title” element within the fruits.rst, so that the table of contents can be generated appropriately.

Other troubleshooting tips

Remember that there are many Python open source projects out there that uses Sphinx and reStructuredText as part of their documentation tooling.

Most of the time, you can see their documentation source to see how the doc was written. Look for the “show source” link, usually at the footer of each Sphinx documentation. The location might depends on the theme that they’re using.